Our Proven Method

Personalized, pharmacist-compounded THC & CBD

Here at Moby Botanicals, we source clean, locally grown cannabis that is then handled gently through the extraction process to ensure the end product is truly full spectrum and fully bioavailable.  All of our products are then tested by 3rd party labs for mold, pesticides, heavy metals, and residual solvents.  We go above and beyond state regulations to ensure you are safe. With a steadfast commitment to ongoing education and research in cannabinoid therapies, we stay at the forefront of our field, continually expanding our knowledge to enhance our client’s quality of life.

We are here to provide you with an unparalleled level of care. Our services include weekly in-depth phone check-ins with a practitioner who has spent nearly a decade focusing on assisting people to engage their endocannabinoid receptors on a therapeutic level. With this level of support, there is little to no room for an adverse experience.

Although we specialize in assisting the elderly, medically complex/fragile patients, and patients with neurological issues, we also work with people experiencing a variety of physical and psychological issues.

When cannabis is taken at the correct dose for your unique body, there will be positive results with little to no side effects. These changes are sometimes immediate and profound, but more often they are subtle and cumulative, leading to a healthier, happier you.

committed to Quality

Clean, locally sourced product.

Always laboratory tested for contaminants.

Pharmaceutical handling processes.

Patient-specific dosing protocols.

How it works

Our initial intake involves a short form that will provide us with all the necessary information, followed by an in-depth phone consultation.  Through this, we will gain an understanding of your root causes and goals in seeking out the support of your endocannabinoid receptors.   

Capsules consisting of some combination of THC, CBD, CBG, CBDA, and THCA are then produced by our registered pharmacist in doses ranging from .25mg to 5 mg. Your starting dose will be determined based on your presentation then will slowly be increased and adjusted as your body starts to respond. Each person’s unique threshold is established by the changes we observe during this titration process.  Less is almost always more when it comes to cannabinoid dosing. Going over your therapeutic dose typically results in feelings that have been described as “over-medicated”, lethargy that goes beyond the normal initial phase of the body trying to catch up on and/or regulate sleep patterns, reduced efficacy, and/or adverse (psychoactive) side effects. Once your unique dose and ratio of different cannabinoids have been established, we will then custom formulate and produce 1 easy to swallow capsule per dose.

With our one-on-one support, you can rest assured that you will be able to land on what works best for you.